

Jan 18, 2024

What is RTutor and How to Use It? A Complete Guide

Unlock the power of data analysis with RTutor! Discover its AI-driven features and learn how to leverage natural language to effortlessly explore and analyze your data in this comprehensive guide.

In the modern era dominated by data, it's crucial to be well-versed in a range of data analysis instruments and coding languages. RTutor is a prime example of such tools – an artificial intelligence (AI) empowered software that enables users to engage with their data through natural language.

Collection of top AI tools to use for different tasks.

This all-inclusive manual will offer you a deep dive into RTutor, covering its functionalities, operational methodology, and effective usage to boost your data analysis proficiency.

RTutor is an innovative tool designed to bridge the gap between natural language and programming. As an AI-powered app, RTutor enables users to upload their data, ask questions, or request analyses in English.

These requests are then processed by the AI, which generates and runs the appropriate R code to provide answers, complete with plots and numeric results. The app aims to make the R coding process faster and more intuitive, providing draft code that users can refine and test​.

RTutor is still being developed, with its functionality and features continually being refined. As of April 2023, the most recent update (v 0.94) introduced interactive plots using CanvasXpress. Prior updates have added features such as improved voice input, the ability to generate and run Python code, and the inclusion of data structure descriptions in the prompt, among others.​

RTutor stands out from other learning platforms due to its focus on interactivity, allowing users to engage with data and R code in real time. This hands-on approach not only helps users learn more effectively but also makes the learning experience more enjoyable.

Understanding RTutor – Image via Freepik

To begin using RTutor, follow these steps:

Before you start with RTutor, make sure your data is well-structured. This can be done by cleaning and preparing your data in Excel. Your data should ideally be in traditional statistics format where each row is an observation, and each column is a variable.

After preparing your data, upload it to RTutor. Once uploaded, your data will be automatically loaded into RTutor as a data frame called "df."

Ensure that the data types of the columns in your data are correct. The correct data types are essential as they can greatly affect your analysis and plots. If necessary, RTutor gives you the option to check and adjust these data types.

Now that your data is set, you can ask the AI in RTutor to conduct analyses. Start with simple requests like distributions, basic plots, or simple models. Over time, you can begin to ask for more complex analyses.

The AI in RTutor works under a "temperature" setting. When this setting is increased, the AI seeks alternative solutions more aggressively. If you’re not satisfied with the results, consider rephrasing your request or tweaking the "temperature" setting.

In RTutor, each chunk of code runs independently using your uploaded data. If you want your next piece of code to build upon the current one, select the "Continue from this chunk" checkbox. This will insert your current R code before the next chunk and run it.

This feature is especially helpful for data wrangling tasks like removing rows, adding columns, or log-transforming data.

Unleash the AI wizard within you with this treasure trove of AI coding tools, where innovation meets machine intelligence in a symphony of code!

A step-by-step guide to using RTutor

RTutor can be utilized for various data analysis tasks, including data visualization, exploratory data analysis (EDA), and more. However, it is essential to remember that the generated code may not always be accurate. Therefore, users should approach the platform with caution, treating the auto-generated code as a starting point that requires further validation and refinement.

When a user submits a request or question, it is structured and sent to OpenAI's AI system. The AI system returns R code, which is then cleaned up and executed in a Shiny environment. This process results in visualizations or error messages, depending on the query.

Additionally, RTutor logs multiple requests to produce an R Markdown file, ensuring that users can generate an HTML report to maintain records and reproducibility.

RTutor comes with a plethora of features that make it an invaluable tool for data analysis:

Exploring the world of AI assisted coding – Image via Pixabay

To verify the accuracy of RTutor's results, users can:

To make the most of RTutor, consider the following tips when writing your requests:

While RTutor is a powerful tool, it is essential to recognize its limitations:

RTutor is an innovative AI-powered platform that can revolutionize the way you interact with your data. By allowing users to ask questions and request analyses in natural language, RTutor generates R code that can be executed to obtain insights from your data.

While the platform has its limitations, it can be an invaluable resource for those with some R experience looking to learn more effectively or enhance their productivity. With this comprehensive guide, you are now equipped with the knowledge and skills to use RTutor effectively and take your data analysis capabilities to the next level.