

Mar 20, 2023

Metroid Prime Remastered: Chozo Ruins Walkthrough

I don't like sand

Welcome back to our full walkthrough for Metroid Prime Remastered!

You've now made your way through the introductory section of Tallon Overworld and now find yourself in the bright, beautiful world of the Chozo Ruins. There's a fair bit to get through here, so keep an eye out for scan entries, upgrades, and all sorts as you make your way through the sandy environment.

Exit the elevator and go through to the Ruins Entrance. A few Beetles will pop up from the ground, so get rid of them and then scan the Chozo Lore segment above the doorway ahead. You'll notice these throughout your journey by their shimmering effect, so keep an eye out. Once that's done, head into the Main Plaza.

Before you do anything else, turn to your left and you'll see a doorway that's currently locked by a missile barrier. Scan it to add it your logbook.

The Main Plaza is really the hub from which you'll explore the rest of the Chozo Ruins. For now, you'll want to jump up the makeshift stairway ahead and then take the door on your left into the Nursery Access.

As you head through the winding tunnel, a swarm of Scarabs will drop from the ceiling. These won't attack you but simply block your path. You can power through and take some damage if you wish, but it's easier to simply wipe them out with your Power Beam. Don't forget to scan the swarm though! Now head out of this tunnel and into the Eyon Tunnel.

The Eyon's are more obstacles than enemies. You'll see them on the walls and they pretty much look like creepy eyes firing green lasers. For now, all you need to do is scan them, then shoot once to close the eys, allowing you to pass through safely. Now head into the Ruined Nursery.

You'll see the next Chozo Lore piece right ahead when you enter the room. Scan it.

Kill the Beetles on the ground and head up to the next floor. You'll likely hear the buzzing before you see the War Wasp, but when they come into your view, scan one.

Those War Wasps don't just pop up from nowhere - they're coming out of the nests. These are attached to the walls and look very obvious, so be sure to scan one.

If you want to save your game at this point, you'll see a doorway that leads to Save Station 1. Once you're done, head back out and into the doorway ahead through to the North Atrium. There's nothing of any note here, so just move past the Scarabs and into the Ruined Gallery.

Again, theree's not much to do here at this moment in time, however there are a couple of scan entries you'll want to pick up while you're here. Jump down to the lower level and take note of the shimmering grass. This is Tangle Weed - scan it!

Across the poisonous water, sitting on a small island, you'll see three mushroom-type things swaying back and forth. These are Blastcaps, so scan them to add them to your logbook. You'll see many of these throughout Chozo Ruins, and while you can shoot them easily, they will emit a poisonous gas upon death - be careful.

Move into the Totem Access room once you're done in the Ruined Gallery. Ahead, you'll see a flying critter that emits light called a Plazmite. This thing won't attack but can deal damage if you walk into it. Shoot it down, but just be mindful that the light will also dim when it dies. Oh, and scan it too. Now push on through to the Hive Totem.

Right, time for the first boss in Chozo Ruins! As you make your way around the platform, a cutscene will introduce the Hive Mecha - scan it.

Right after you've scanned the Hive Mecha, be sure to scan one of the Ram War Wasps surrounding Samus. These things move quickly but will stop in mid-air just before they attack - this is your chance to both scan and counterattack.

The Hive Mecha is relatively straightforward. All you need to do is take out all of the Ram War Wasps that emerge from the machine's 'mouth'. These will quickly encircle Samus before stopping and diving headfirst at her. You can easily kill them one by one by focusing on them while they're at a stand still.

Once the Ram War Wasps are dealt with, the Hive Mecha will open its mouth. Shoot it repeatedly until it closes again. More Wasps will emerge, so just repeat this process two more times to beat the Hive Mecha. If you want to conserve energy here, a good way to avoid the Wasps is to jump right when they're about to fly into you.

Once you've beaten the Hive Mecha, the Missile Launcher will show up just ahead. Walk into it to pick it up. Now you can fire a missile with a simple tap of 'R'. This is great against most enemies and for unlocking doorways and secret paths.

Fire a missile at the door ahead to unlock it. Head on through and pick up an Energy Tank to boost your health by 100 HP.

Once you're done here, it's time to double back on yourself and make your way back to the Main Plaza. As we head back, however, there's a quick detour we'll need to take.

Let's stop at the Ruined Gallery. Here, you can use a missile against a locked door on the lower level to reveal a Map Station. Get this downloaded.

Remember those Blastcaps? Get rid of them. Once their poisonous gas dissipates, jump onto the small island and aim towards the Brimstone wall ahead. Fire a missile to destroy it, revealing a Missile Upgrade inside.

Okay, now you can head back to the Main Plaza.

Shoot the locked door with a missile and head on through. Move through the Ruined Shrine Access (watch those Scarabs) and into the Ruined Shrine itself. Jump up the ledges and you'll see Samus' precious Morph Ball in the distance. You'll need to defeat some beasties here in order to get it.

First up, a whole bunch of Beetles will emerge. Keep shooting and dodging until they're all dispatched.

Once the little guys are dead, a Plated Beetle will emerge - scan it and add it to the logbook.

The Plated Beetle isn't technically a boss but will require a bit of jiggery-pokery to beat. You can't shoot it from the front, but its backside is vulnerable to missiles. So simply wait for it to charge (it gives a clear sign it's about to do so by strafing back and forth) and dodge at the last second. Fire a missile to damage it. Repeat two more times to kill it.

Once the Plated Beetle is dead, the Morph Ball will be accessible. Jump up and walk into it.

Now head back to the Main Plaza once again. Hop up to the upper level and head through the door sitting just below a couple of War Wast Nests. Move through the Ruined Fountain Access using your newly acquired Morph Ball to slip through the small gaps.

In the Ruined Fountain, you'll see a bunch of Plazmites ahead. Ignore these and scan the Chozo Lore on the wall ahead. Now head through the door in the center and into the Arboretum Access.

There's not much to do in the Arboretum Access, but you'll come across your first group of Shriek Bats here. These will charge quickly at you and kill themselves in the process, to scan one of them quickly and move out of the way when they get close.

Turn left just as you enter the Arboretum and you'll see a Reaper Vine, a weird, wiggly tentacle poking out the wall. Scan it, then shoot it to send it packing (temporarily). Move up and around the center column and head to the door on the other side. Blast it with a missile and head on through the corridor to the Gathering Hall.

Head right and shoot a missile at the door to reveal a Save Station - save here if need be. Otherwise, head to the door on the left, just past the Blastcaps.

In the next room, the Watery Hall Access, get rid of the Shriek Bats and Blastcaps, then look to your left. A suspicious-looking wall is holding your next Missile Expansion, so shoot it with a missile to reveal the loot. Now head through to the Watery Hall.

Here, you'll need to activate four runes to unlock a doorway. They're relatively easy to find, but let's walk you through it:

Scan the doorway once all runes are activated to open it.

Lying in wait is the Charge Beam. Hold down the fire button to charge up your beam. This is great for dealing more damage to enemies and for pulling energy and ammo toward Samus.

Behind the Charge Beam is a piece of Chozo Lore - scan it.

Time to head back to the Gathering Hall. Once you're back, jump up the platform next to the door leading to the Gathering Hall Access, and keep moving up. Watch the Blastcaps and Shriek Bats along the way. Now head through the door to the East Atrium, through the Energy Core Access, and into the Energy Core room itself.

Turn left and head around the corridor. You'll see a Morph Ball tunnel ahead, but first...

Turn right just before the Morph Ball tunnel and you'll see an ugly-looking toad. Scan it!

When you're done, go through the tunnel and into the room ahead. It's boss time!

Before we get cracking on how to beat this thing, make sure to scan it first.

Move around the Drone, avoiding the flamethrowers on either side. Eventually, a node will pop out of the top of the drone displaying a nice, big, red button. Shoot it!

When it's damaged, it will shoot flames into the hive above. This will cause some Barbed War Wasps to emerge. Speaking of which...

Scan one of the wasps before you kill them!

Keep moving around the drone, dispatching the Wasps as you go. The drone will vary its flamethrower direction now, so you may need to jump over the flames as they make their way around. Eventually, the node will pop up again. Repeat this process three more times to beat the boss.

Your reward for beating the Incinerator Drone is the Morph Ball Bomb. Grab it.

Before you leave, look ahead and you'll see a Sandstone wall ahead. Bomb it and roll on through. Now grab the Missile Expansion and head back out.

PSA: Now that you have the Morph Ball Bomb, you can also jump while in Morph Ball form by tapping 'X'. It's a good way to traverse the environment without requiring the use of a bomb.

When you're back in the Energy Core, a quick time-based puzzle awaits. First, Morph Ball Bomb the Stone Toad you saw earlier. Behind, you'll find a Morph Ball device. Hop up and bomb to activate the first step of the puzzle.

The acid will lower, so head around to the ground floor and into the room holding the next device. Bomb it to raise a group of platforms in the main room. Jump up these and go through the corridor. To the right, you'll find the final device. Bomb it to unlock the blocked doorway.

Go through the doorway and past the next corridor. You'll wind up in the Furnace where a short Morph Ball tunnel awaits. Head on through.

An Energy Tank will be waiting for you at the end of the Furnace. Grab it and head back to the Arboretum.

Now that you've got the Morph Ball Bomb, it's time to head to the top of the Arboretum. In the meantime, there are four more runes you'll need to activate as you head up. These are:

Before you scan the third rune, some red vines will be blocking your access. These are poisonous versions of the Tangle Weed. Scan it, then shoot it.

Once all the runes are activated, the passageway at the top will open. Bomb the blockage and roll through, then fire a missile at the door. Move through the next two corridors and into the Sunchamber. It's boss time!

As usual, scan the boss before tackling it.

Wait, another? Yes, you'll see some spined tentacles blocking the access to Morph Ball tunnels around Flaahgra. Scan one of them.

In order to damage the boss, you'll need to shoot the mirrors surrounding it in order to cut off the sunlight. Doing so will stun it and cause its vines to retract. This will open up a Morph Ball tunnel, so head on through and then bomb the slot at the end to deal damage.

You'll then need to repeat this process, but every time you do so, an additional mirror will be added until you need to shoot four in total. You'll need to move around the room quickly, as Flaahgra will knock the mirrors back into place. You can shoot the boss directly to temporarily stun it if you need a bit more time.

Once Flaahgra is defeated, you can grab the Varia Suit. This will protect Samus against extreme heat, so it's time to head to the next major area.

Head out of the Sunchamber and continue along the corridor.

You'll see some boxes ahead. Destroy them to reveal the Ultra Energy; a gold energy orb that will replenish 100 HP. Scan it.

A bit further ahead is the game's first Pulse Bombu, a floating electrical orb that drops electricity onto the ground, damaging you if you walk into it. Scan this thing too!

Head on through to the Sun Tower. You can drop straight down from the top without taking any damage, so do this now.

A bunch of War Wasps will surround you. Take these out and fire missiles at the nests to prevent more from emerging.

You'll see a Chozo Lore piece on the wall as you fight the Wasps. Scan it.

Look up and you'll see some creatures crawling on the wall next to the Spider Track. You don't need to worry about these for now, but scan one of them while you're here.

Now move on through to the Transport to Magmoor Caverns North. We'll be coming back here shortly, but for now, go straight through to the room to the left. Move through the corridor until you come to the Vault.

In the Vault, look to the right and you'll see some Chozo Lore. Scan it.

In order to get to the Missile Expansion, you'll need to turn into the Morph Ball and activate the three slots in front of the vault. This is relatively simple and just requires a combination of using jump with 'X' and the bomb with 'A' to blow the covers off and activate each slot.

With the third one in particular, it's quite high up, so you'll need to jump up, bomb at the highest point of the jump, then jump up again right when the bomb explodes. This will add more height to your jump, allowing you to reach the slot.

When you've got all three, head into the vault and pick up the expansion.

When you've picked up the Missile Expansion, head into the door, through the short corridor, and back into the Main Plaza. An energy tank will be waiting for you - that's nice!

Now it's time to go back to the Ruined Nursery.

Be sure to save now that you're back in the Ruined Nursery. You'll see a missile expansion embedded in the wall at the end of a short Morph Ball maze. Work your way through this to grab it.

When you're done, move through to the Ruined Gallery. To the right, you'll notice a Morph Ball entrance just above the ground. Jump up to it in Morph Ball Mode, and work your way around until you grab the next missile expansion.

Right, we're done with Chozo Ruins (for now). Let's head back to Transport to Magmoor Caverns North and take the elevator down.

Check out our full Metroid Prime Remastered walkthrough for more tips and tricks.